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Зачем нам нужны языковые правила, и кто их выдумывает?

Модуль посвящен тому, кто именно устанавливает языковые правила и речевые нормы; какие именно факторы должны учитывать исследователи при квалификации отдельного варианта произношения или написания в качестве нормированного, а также — необычной и примечательной способности языковой нормы сочетать в себе взаимоисключающие признаки, основным из которых является устойчивость / изменчивость. Слушатели узнают, как в литературной форме языка реализуются такие аспекты, как инструментальный, функциональный, этический и эстетический. Лектор расскажет, почему разговорная и просторечная лексика не подчиняется литературной норме, нужно ли с ней бороться, чем обусловлено ее наличие в языковой системе; что такое устаревшая лексика; для чего нужны жаргонизмы и как они появились.

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7 videos (Total 56 min)

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Frequently Asked Questions about Art

  • Chevron Right

    Art is any product or activity that demonstrates an aesthetic purpose or creatively communicates a worldview. It encompasses a wide range of the expression of human imagination. Art takes various forms from visual media like painting, sculpture, and photography to literature to performance elements such as music, drama, and dance. When you create art, you’re harnessing your skills and creative power to create something that demonstrates beauty, expresses emotion, tells a story, or presents a statement about the world around you. Human beings have created art for thousands of years, and works of art explain what people have thought about their place in the world.‎

  • Chevron Right

    Learning to appreciate and create art is crucial to helping people harness their imaginations and skills, and art has plenty of other benefits as well. Expressing yourself through art is an excellent way to relieve stress and have fun, and it allows you to articulate your beliefs and feelings in interesting and innovative ways. Art education in schools helps children learn math and improve their reading skills, and they learn new skills they might not otherwise have discovered. Making art also helps adults improve their critical thinking and cognitive abilities and encourages creativity in ways that adults don’t often get to express.‎

  • Chevron Right

    Naturally, learning art can help you if you’re seeking a role in the arts, such as actor, writer, filmmaker, or photographer. However, you can benefit from learning art even if you’re not an artist because art gives you creative and problem-solving skills. The creativity you express when you make art helps you exercise imaginative thinking, potentially leading to innovative ideas at work. Art also challenges and improves your ability to solve problems by opening you up to new perspectives. Making art is also a great way to relieve stress, helping you unwind when the workday is through.‎

  • Chevron Right

    How can online courses on Coursera help me learn art?‎

    When you study art with online courses on Coursera, you have access to a full range of learning opportunities that can help you learn how to appreciate and create art. Study a particular medium of art and perfect your craft with courses that help you learn drawing, writing, or music composition. Discover the rich history of art from the works of the ancients to modern and postmodern innovators. You can even learn techniques to incorporate creativity into your everyday life and uncover methods for appreciating art in fresh ways.‎

This FAQ content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions about R

  • Chevron Right

    R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. While R is widely used among statisticians and data miners for statistical software and data analysis, it is becoming popular among data scientists as well. Proficiency in R has become a standard requirement for many data science and statistician-related jobs.‎

  • Chevron Right

    We recommend these courses for those with some basic knowledge of R that want to use it in a Data Science and Software Development context. You may wish to use it for exploratory data analysis, data visualization, probability, inference, linear regression, and more. You may desire to expand your data science skills and use R in your everyday role to interact more with the data you work with.‎

  • Chevron Right

    According to Burning Glass, there were ~50K job postings in the last 12 months requiring R as a skill. Some of the functional job titles requiring this skill are Business Intelligence Analyst, Operations Research Analyst, Management Analyst, and Market Research Analyst. If your work involves data analysis, modeling, or visualization, R is a powerful skill to add to your portfolio.‎

  • Chevron Right

    While there are generally no specific prerequisites for beginner-level R courses, programming language basics is one of the key topics you typically need to know before you start to learn R programming language. It can also help if you have a solid understanding of math and statistics before beginning R courses. Introductory-level data visualization skills, such as understanding how plots and graphs work, can also be helpful when learning the R programming language. Additionally, analytical and critical thinking skills can be helpful when you’re starting to study R.‎

  • Chevron Right

    People who are highly analytical and curious are typically best suited for roles in R. People who enjoy statistics and using statistical models to solve problems can also be well suited to roles in R. Those who have an affinity for using computer technology and machine learning can potentially be well suited to learning this programming language. People who enjoy highly detailed tasks and who have strong problem-solving skills are typically well suited for R roles. Additionally, people who work in fields like lean manufacturing, public health, and finance can be well suited for roles in R.‎

  • Chevron Right

    Some common career paths for people in R include machine learning engineers, data scientists, data miners, data engineers, and statisticians. These fall under the category of computer programming jobs, which according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics pay a higher than average wage. These types of computer programming jobs typically require a bachelor’s degree. Competition can be stiff for these jobs, though, due to the influx of workers in the field as a result of global trade.‎

  • Chevron Right

    What topics can I study that are related to R?‎

    Mathematics, statistics, and AI are topics you could study that are related to R. Data visualization is another related topic, along with probability and the broader field of data science. You could study the related topics of data structure, data analysis, and data type as part of your R studies. Data manipulation and data cleansing are related topics that you could study, and you could also study GitHub and regular expression (REGEX).‎

This FAQ content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

«Победю» или «побежу»? (Морфологические и фонетические нормы современного русского языка)

Лекции модуля посвящены ряду языковых трудностей: проблеме определения рода у несклоняемых заимствованных существительных; правилам, регулирующим образование отдельных форм глагола

Уделяется внимание вопросу о том, почему некоторые глаголы не образуют отдельные личные формы и как можно решить эту проблему. Фонетическая система русского языка сложилась достаточно давно: когда именно это произошло, что с тех пор изменилось и какие закономерности в области постановки ударения и произношения отдельных звуков и сейчас существуют – речь об этом также пойдет в данном модуле

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5 videos (Total 42 min)

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Заимствованная лексика: нужна ли она языку и в каком количестве?

В модуле пойдет речь о том, чем различные виды заимствованных слов отличаются друг от друга: какие заимствования можно назвать «варваризмами», а какие – экзотизмами; или, например, к какому виду заимствований можно отнести названия брендов. Лектором рассмотрены внеязыковые и внутриязыковые причины заимствований и освещен вечный спор архаистов и новаторов. Из материалов модуля слушатели узнают, в какие именно исторические периоды эти споры были особенно горячими и кто из писателей и видных общественных деятелей отстаивал в них различные точки зрения.

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1 hour to complete

5 videos (Total 32 min)

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